
Highlights of Our Recent Work

Updated: 27th September, 2022

We recently posted on social media about two 18-year-old girls (Ananya and Sumi) who recently joined our safe house in Kolkata, India. Our team worked tirelessly to open our beautiful new safe house to receive girls trafficked into the world’s largest red light district. We are thrilled to open our home and our hearts to these two young girls for healing and rehabilitation.

YouCanFreeUs Meets with Border Agents

Our team recently traveled to the borders of Nepal and Bangladesh to meet with border agents and strategize with them on how to partner to intercept victims of sex trafficking being brought across the border into India. Our plan involves embedding ourselves with the Indian Border Security Force to prevent cross-border trafficking.


YouCanFreeUs responded in helping those in Ukraine who have suffered the devastating effects of the long-standing war. We provided houses and cars to widows whose husbands died in battle. The relief that a mortgage-free home has brought these widows and their children has been immense.

We will be updating you in future newsletters with stories of families we have been able to assist. Last week we helped a family whose husband/father was killed in the war. We are buying a car for the family but sent some funds to bring a smile to their faces. 

Thank you, donors, for allowing us to help people around the world.

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